PC-6 Inner Wrist Point

Pericardium-6 (PC-6) Inner Wrist point

SAFE during pregnancy

 Location: On the anterior forearm, 2 cun proximal to the transverse wrist crease, between the tendons of palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis.

You can find this point by coming three of her finger width’s up from the crease on the inner wrist. The point lies between the two tendons. You can find these tendons more easily if she makes a fist and curls it inwards.


How to use it: This point works incredibly well at stopping nausea and vomiting.

It’s quite common for nausea and vomiting to occur at some point during the birth, and it’s important to get in fast with your acupressure to stop it dead in its tracks. Aside from being unpleasant, vomiting can contribute to dehydration, which can really slow things down and interrupt the progression of labour. It can also lead to exhaustion, and by preventing vomiting we can preserve her precious energy and prevent things turning off course. As soon as you hear her say: “I think I may need to throw up”, rather than run for the bucket, run for the point! If you move quickly at finding this point and apply deep pressure, the nausea should clear. You can use the easiest hand to get to, or both hands if they are accessible. If you aren’t getting results, try shifting to the other wrist, and use deep pressure on this side for at least five minutes or until she no longer feels nauseous.

It is also known to be a very calming point.