
Birth Stories Across Generations – Reflections from the 2016 Normal Labour and Birth Conference

  Dr Lesley Kay is a Senior Lecturer in Midwifery at the Kingston & St George's University of London. She presented her talk, Hearing stories of birth in pregnancy: A hermeneutic phenomenological study of women’s experiences across two generations, at the 2016 Normal Labour and Birth Conference and I’m just  Read More >

Oxytocin for Birth: The Orgasmic Formula Every Midwife Should Recommend

If there is one thing we can all agree on, it’s that getting a woman’s oxytocin flowing prior to and during birth is only going to be helpful. There are many ways to do encourage the flow of oxytocin for birth and I hear women talking about them quite a bit – nipple stimulation, massage, acupressure, sex – but I wonder if  Read More >

Improving Immunity While Shift Working

  Improving immunity while shift working is important for you, and tricky. Although much of the research into the link between sleep and immunity is inconclusive, you know that when you’re sleep deprived you feel run down, and this is often the time when that cold, flu, digestive disturbance or migraine sets in. In  Read More >

How to Reduce Exhaustion on a Night Shift – for Midwives, Nurses and Health Professionals

  Night shifts can be harsh on your health. They may start out okay but I think we all know it’s just not right to be up all night. We don’t need science to tell us that, we can feel it. Being a midwife is a real calling. Supporting women through the miracle of birth is an incredible skill and such an important  Read More >

6 Natural Birth Prep Techniques That Don’t Include Acupressure

When it comes to natural birth prep techniques, you probably know that we are passionate advocates of acupressure. It’s gentle, effective, comforting, and it’s backed by a plethora of research. But if you haven’t yet taken our acupressure course for midwives or if your client isn’t keen to give it a try, we recommend  Read More >

In Utero: An Honest Review of the Film

Rebecca Mar Young I went to see the In Utero film recently in Randwick at a special screening. I thought going in that it was more for people like myself who are passionate about birth and pregnancy. I was surprised to find that I was wrong. This film is important for us all: women, men, mothers, fathers,  Read More >

Perspectives on Safety During Labour – from the 11th Normal Labour and Birth Conference 2016

By Rebecca Mar Young Following on from my last post on the 11th Normal Labour and Birth Conference 2016, I wanted to share some important information that stayed with me and had a lasting impact. Margaret McCormick, a midwife educator from Melbourne who is currently undertaking a PhD, talked about women’s perception of  Read More >

11th Normal Labour and Birth Conference

By Rebecca Mar Young I enjoy hanging out with midwives. They are some of the most grounded people on earth and they have a solidarity and calmness about them that I admire. I got to hang out with a lot of them recently at the 11th Normal Labour and Birth Conference I attended in Sydney. It was awesome and completely  Read More >

Qi for Beginners – Chinese Medicine in Focus

  When I first heard about Qi I thought it was weird and mysterious and just a little bit cool. I didn’t get it. I really didn’t get it. Qi, for beginners, can be such an abstract concept to get your head around. I can safely say after four years of study and ten years of practising and treating clients, I now  Read More >

The Heart: Chinese Medicine in Focus

The Heart in Chinese Medicine It is said you can die from extreme joy. It’s hard to believe, isn’t it? Sometimes people can feel joy in such a big burst that it can give rise to a heart attack, like a soccer fan at a football match. Unfortunately this happens from time to time. In Chinese medicine, joy is the emotion of  Read More >